MK Team-Training: Running Reaction Times Experiments
During the August visit in Skopje, Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska delivered two pieces of training for the MK team on running reaction times experiments and doing processing instruction (face-to-face) with children. In addition, both teams did a final check of the translations of the task instructions for the Albanian participants. The team coordinators designed an experimental protocol with detailed instructions for invigilators and an intervention protocol with detailed instructions for teachers.

Evaluation of experimental materials
During the May visit in Skopje, both teams worked on understanding how the experimental materials are designed using the specific software and translated the experimental materials for the adults' control group (Macedonian participants who are L2 English learners). ​

Workshops in Skopje
Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska and Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roehm from the University of Salzburg have conducted workshops and attended working meetings at the University of Skopje. In her workshop "The whys, the whats, and the hows of structured input activities for ELT", Tanja Angelovska presented teacher trainees with up-to-date research insights and practical activities related to Processing Instruction Theory and broadened their knowledge as part of the Methodology of English Language Teaching course. Dietmar Roehm delivered a workshop on "Introduction to Statistics and R" for postgraduate students from the Linguistics and SLA module (MA level) and Translation and Interpreting module (MA level) and faculty members. Participants got familiarized with statistical concepts and procedures they can use to analyze data with a focus on the software R. Both teams re-evaluated and planned further project-related activities and discussed the recruiting of bilingual participants incl. a demonstration of some experimental material for the PI study with children and adjustment of the task instructions for the Albanian-Macedonian bilinguals.

Project meeting in Salzburg
Dr. Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova, the project coordinator of the Macedonian team, visited the University of Salzburg and met with Prof. Dr. Tanja Angelovska and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roehm to further discuss activities related to the project "Processing Instruction for L3 English: Differences between balanced and unbalanced bilinguals? (PI-BI-L3)". The team evaluated the stimulus materials, discussed the participants’ profile and experiment design and made definite arrangements regarding the implementation of the experiment in Macedonia. Dr. Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova also visited the LINGLAB at the Department of Linguistics (Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roehm). The visit included short informative training on how EEG experiments are carried out and how subsequent data are analyzed.

Project kick-off meeting in Skopje
Members of the two teams of the project "Processing Instruction for L3 English: Differences between balanced and unbalanced bilinguals? (PI-BI-L3)" are meeting in Skopje (Faculty of Philology, Ss Cyril and Methodius University) to discuss the goals and objectives of the project, to set the initial timeframe about the implementation of its activities, to specify the expected results and to define the indicators of achievement. Additionally, the experimental aspects and recruitment procedures will be agreed upon.
30/11//2018 - 03/12/2018

Benati joins PI-BI-L3
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Benati has accepted the invitation to join PI-BI-L3 as an international scientific advisor. We are very honored and excited to have him onboard. We look forward to working with him.

Project Launch
"Processing Instruction for L3 English: Differences between balanced and unbalanced bilinguals? (PI-BI-L3)" received the research grant (24 months) from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science (MON) at this year’s selection meeting of the Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility (ICM) of the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD) following a very competitive response to the call and was launched in July 2018.